Our generations of experience in cattle nutrition, health, and welfare leads to nutritious, healthy, and delicious beef.

Premium Dry Aged Red Angus Beef
Our expertise in animal husbandry aids us in caring for our herd of cattle that we raise for beef available USDA processed and packaged for purchase! Our cattle are cared for with the utmost respect and are raised from calves to finish. Our cattle are raised with absolutely no hormones or antibiotics. They are pasture raised on our farm where they are free to graze and grain finished for a delicious wholesome product. Our goal is to simply do our part in raising top quality meat at an affordable price for those in our community.
$6.50/LB Hanging Weight (Includes USDA Processing & Packaging)
Purchase By The Hanging Weight- If you are interested in purchasing beef in a larger quantity to stock up for the year then buying by the hanging weight is the right option for you! If you are not familiar with purchasing by this method here is a brief explanation.
Hanging Weight- is the weight of the beef animal carcass after it has been field dressed-partially butchered (removed of internal organs, head, hooves, inedible), but before it has been aged, cut, packaged and frozen. This is typically 60% of the live animal weight.
Why Use The Hanging Measurement? We use this weight measurement because we are not selling individual retail cuts, but instead are selling by the quarter, halve, or whole animal. This is reflected in the lower cost compared to individual retail cuts and allows us to pass the discount along to the customer. A 1400 lb animal will have a hanging weight of 800-850 Lbs.
Take Home Weight- Please be aware there will be pounds difference between the hanging weight that you are charged for and the total weight of the beef that you take home due to the bone, fat and carving waste that is discarded when you’re order is cut. Take Home Weight Is Typically 30% Less Than Hanging Weight. If you choose bone-in cuts and opt to receive bones, fat and organs, your take home weight will be closer to the hanging weight than if you choose boneless cuts and do not opt to receive bones, fat and organs.

Our USDA packaged, premium beef will be available for purchase in these options:
Whole Cow – (Cut To Your Choice) – (800-850Lbs Hanging wt)
Half Cow – (Cut To Your Choice) – (400-425Lbs Hanging wt)
Several Size Variety Bundles
Retail Individual Cuts