Browse Our Sheep & Goat Feeds

16% Ewe Builder
Complete feed formulated for sheep at maintenance and during breeding.

18% Lamb Starter Grower Pellet
A highly palatable lamb starter grower formulated for lambs up to 50 lbs. Medicated for the prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria ovina, Eimeria crandallis, Eimeria ovinoidalis (Eimeria ninakohlyakimovae), Eimeria parva and Eimeria intricata in sheep maintained in confinement.

18 Lamb Starter Grower
A highly palatable lamb starter grower formulated for lambs up to 50 lbs. Medicated for the prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria ovinoidalis, Eimeria parva, Eimeria bakuensis and Eimeria crandallis.

2:1 Sheep Mineral With ZinPro
A mineral formulated to be fed free-choice to all classes of sheep.

Game Plan All Natural Milk & Meat Goat
A complete feed formulated for lactating and growing goats.

16% Goat Grain
An all natural complete goat feed uniquely balanced for all classes of goats.

Game Plan Breeder Plus Pellet
A concentrate formulated to be fed along with forage for growing meat goats.

Game Plan 18 Starter Developer
A versatile pelleted option formulated to be fed with forage for young goats; can be used from start to finish. Medicated for the prevention of coccidiosis in young goats caused by Eimeria christenseni and Eimeria ninakohlyakimovae.

Moonshine® Caramel 35lb
Energy supplement to add dietary calories and bloom for all classes of show animals.

2:1 Goat Mineral
A mineral formulated to be fed free-choice to meat and dairy goats.